Charlly Enroth
Professional Massage Therapy


Hi! Welcome to my web site. My name is Charlly Enroth, I specialize in providing advanced massage techniques and treatments to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle, faster recovery from injuries and accidents, and perhaps most importantly, less pain along the way.

I have been a practicing massage therapist for 14 years and have accumulated over 8,500 hours of practice during that time. My approach is designed to work closely with you to ensure you get exactly the massage you want, how you want it, with the results you want, every time. This way, you leave completely satisfied, every appointment.

I have learned this by working with over 350 clients, including Olympic athletes, active duty Pentagon personnel, Secret Service and FBI agents, weekend warriors, moms, dads and a bunch of other fine people, helping them overcome pain, discomfort and dysfunction in their bodies. I am often asked, “What modality do you use?”. To which I tell people that, in the big picture, it doesn’t really matter what modality I use - what matters are the results we get. Modalities give me a variety of tools to choose from and hence, I can customize each appointment for that client’s particular needs that day. But if you do want to find out what those modalities are, click on "About Me".

In the meantime, please take a look around the site for a few minutes to learn more about how I can help you, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have! 

Thanks for visiting, Charlly